Your first month's tuition and the annual Registration Fee ($25) must be paid on or before the day your child attends the first class. Thereafter tuition payments will be automatically deducted on the first of each month of class. Any tuition not paid by the second class of each month will be charged a late fee of $10. Registration Fees are payable when a student first enrolls and then annually in the fall.
No refunds or reductions in tuition will be given for missed lessons or holidays.
Tuition is based on an average of four (4) lessons per month. Months with five lessons are considered to balance against those months with three lessons (i.e., those with holidays).
We request that all payments be made by credit card through our online system. If it is necessary to pay by check or money order, payments MUST be mailed to our office and made payable to Kinderdance®. We are not liable for cash payments.
All tuition payments are due by the first lesson of the month. Tuition not paid on or before the first class of each month will be subject to a late charge unless prior arrangements have been made with our office. A late charge of $10 will be applied to accounts not paid by the second class of the month.
If your child will no longer be attending our classes, we must receive written notification prior to the first class of any particular month or your account will be charged for the full month of tuition.
There will be a $30 charge for a check returned for any reason.
If tuition has not been paid in full by the end of the month, and arrangements have not been made, the student will not be able to participate until payment and past due charges are paid.
A minimum enrollment of five (5) students is required for a class to be scheduled. We reserve the right to cancel classes if a minimum enrollment is not maintained.
Your first month's tuition and the annual Registration Fee ($25) must be paid on or before the day your child attends the first class. Thereafter tuition payments will be automatically deducted on the first of each month of class. Any tuition not paid by the second class of each month will be charged a late fee of $10. Registration Fees are payable when a student first enrolls and then annually in the fall.
No refunds or reductions in tuition will be given for missed lessons or holidays.
Tuition is based on an average of four (4) lessons per month. Months with five lessons are considered to balance against those months with three lessons (i.e., those with holidays).
We request that all payments be made by credit card through our online system. If it is necessary to pay by check or money order, payments MUST be mailed to our office and made payable to Kinderdance®. We are not liable for cash payments.
All tuition payments are due by the first lesson of the month. Tuition not paid on or before the first class of each month will be subject to a late charge unless prior arrangements have been made with our office. A late charge of $10 will be applied to accounts not paid by the second class of the month.
If your child will no longer be attending our classes, we must receive written notification prior to the first class of any particular month or your account will be charged for the full month of tuition.
There will be a $30 charge for a check returned for any reason.
If tuition has not been paid in full by the end of the month, and arrangements have not been made, the student will not be able to participate until payment and past due charges are paid.
A minimum enrollment of five (5) students is required for a class to be scheduled. We reserve the right to cancel classes if a minimum enrollment is not maintained.